I’m a normal guy a little bit over the big 30 and work at a medium size software engineering company for living. As my mother always says: “He is doing something with computers.”
At the movies I like to see:
SciFi, Fantasy, Action, Comedy, Animation
Last movie seen:
The Hobbit – An Unexpected Journey
Music I listen to:
all sort of stuff
Best album right now:
Ballast der Republik – Die Toten Hosen
Favorite author:
Marion Zimmer-Bradley
Last book read:
J.R.R. Tolkien – Der Hobbit (The Hobbit)
I wish I could:
fly (I know, the trick is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!)
Favorite travel destination:
Lo and behold – New Zealand! 😉
On my vacation I …:
…walk/tramp around the country
If I won 1 million dollars, I would:
Move to New Zealand and open a backpacker on the Coromandel peninsula
Fashion I rather not see again:
80th (ARGGHHH, they did not listen to me!)
I want my coffee..:
Black with a sip of milk
Food I like:
all food is good….. Hmmmmm…. execpt raisins and slugs
I don’t like:
Are you enjoying a good night’s rest:
Definitely, but also a all night long party.
Last picture taken with your digicam:
Christmas gifts
Nominate 3 talents which are characteristic for you:
Which famous person did you see last:
The cast of “Lord o the Rings”
uihh ich hab sie auch gesehen die kleinen hobbits!!! das waren noch zeiten, da waren wir jung und hatten noch träume…